Welcome! You are in the tab with our Labioszka life events. Here, you will be able to trace the most interesting adventure. Where it was, what she did, whom she met or with whom she take a photo with. We will know her current achievements on the national and perhaps international level. You will always find here a great deal of hot news.



August 2018r
"Outdoor of all kinds of arts"


 Everyone interested is invited to a colourfull farewell to holidays and summer in Park Piłsudskiego. The open-air event will start on 26 August at 10 a.m.There will be an open-air show for kids, singers and bands performing, and, of course, a chance to see our Labioszki.





March 2018r
"After the fair"


We are rapidly approaching the time of Easter. We maintained our tradition and presented our Labioszki at today’s Easter Market. There were some new products among them. We will be happy to meet you on the second day of the Easter Market in Lubin:)








March 2018r
"Easter market 2018r"


With the Easter Holidays coming, we invite everyone to find us on the EASTER MARKET. This year, the Market will be held on the new market square. We hope to have a good weather that will attract many visitors. Come and meet us!




December 2017r
"New year 2017"


As every year is the end of the year, there are provisions and various wishes. Do we know how and what we want with what we want? Labioszka puts all your best wishes for the new year to all of you.





November 2017r
"Our dolls"


We presented our dolls at the last two fairs. It would be a lie to say that they did not generate a great interest of kids, which they are intended for. We encourage you to share your opinion with us on our Labioszki after you see the pictures. The dolls are 50-centimetre high and 23-centimetre wide. Contact us!






September 2017r
"Open-air art of all kinds and artistic handicrafts"


On 27 August, our lovely park near CKmuza hosted an open-air event related to different arts and crafts. CKmuza organized the event, which, obviously, we could not miss. We ordered good weather and set up our stand near the fountain. We won’t say more, but we can assure you that there was a ferocious brainstorm ravaging in the minds of artists among the buckeyes in the park. See some of the pictures.







August 2017r
"Harvest festival in Krzeczyn"


On 26 August, there was a dożynki harvest festival in KrzeczynWielki, near Lubin. We were there, we met a couple of friends, presented our goodies, especially our new dolls. It was so warm and full of colour. Not only thanks to our Labioszki, but mostly to the outfits of musicians from music bands. The organization was great, ladies providing cakes and grilled sausages really handled it very well. Have a look and enjoy.







July 2017r
"At the Festival of Nations 2017r"


There was a lot of music and singing on a festival of nations. We also found a place for us there. Here are some photos. Check them out








July 2017r
"Festival of Nations 2017r"


The next event is coming fast. This time it will take place on the grounds in Lubin. In addition to Labioszkas, which you already know, we will present a completely new one. We called it butterflies.









April 2017r
"After the Easter Fair "


Some information about the Easter Market. It was a great success. It was our first presentation so there were some mixed feelings, and the crowds additionally raised the temperature at the market. It was loud and colourful. Each stand with crafts looked very attractive. In the meantime, kids were running, jumping around, and performing on the main stage of CKMuza. For those who could not come, we have several photos of our stand. You can see more photos at:









March 2017r
"Bookmark "Your ideas""


Today, we wanted to explain how our website is constructed. We created a special tab for expressing individual needs and ideas. We called it "Twojepomysły" (Your ideas). You can use it to send your ideas and remarks regarding our Labioszki. It is also a place where you can share your individual needs and requests with us. If you like other colours, sizes or shapes of Labioszki, just contact us. We are not limited to our designs and welcome your ideas and suggestions. Feel free to use it.










March 2017r
"Easter market"


We are happy to invite everyone, the big and the small ones, the old and the young, to the Easter Market, which will take place on 8 April 2017 (Saturday). During the event, we will present some of our Labioszki, as well as Chickens and Cockerels, and flowers in pots.

Come and meet us.                      




March 2016r
"Redhead giant"


We have just finished working on a single piece of Achaea. It has a new design and is made in a much bigger size, which amounts to 86cm in height and 65 cm of width. Achaea was made at a special request. We gave her a cute nickname of "Red-haired Giant”, but of course, it’s still Achaea.







September 2015r
"End of promotion"


The summer is coming to an end, as are the unusually hot summer holidays. It’s high time we said goodbye to the beach, sea, and lakes. Kids go back to school and studying, while we can reflect and ponder a bit. Our special price offer reached its peak, so we decided to keep the new price for good. Come and see!!



January 2015r
"New Year"


Happy New Year! This means new trends, new ideas, and some casual resolutions, which, it seems, everyone made deep down in their heart, like every year. We wish you achieve all your set goals, while we work to materialize new interesting ideas for original designs and colours which make everyday life more pleasant and which are definitely different that the previous ones – and that’s the whole point of new creations.





November 2014r
"Labioszka in every home"



Welcome to the colourful world of Labioszki. We are currently working on a new project called "Labioszkain every home". The project goes back to the beginnings of Labioszki and its goal is to make Labioszki:





   this is what Labioszka wants to be for you

… and that’s why there is a discount for everyone who is interested.

I am not saying you don’t have to hurry, but you’d better not wait for too long because LABIOSZKI ARE UNIQUE, they stand out in a crowd, are eye-catching like the sun after a long and dark night.

They are a perfect present for your closest ones—they’re nice, original, and unique.

Everyone in the family, every mum, aunt, grandma, wife, girlfriend, or a friend, as well as, of course, the male part of the family, will appreciate the company of a Labioszka by their side. We have 38 538 447 ideas on their possibilities. Does this number sound familiar? Not really? We will get there later!!!

The mentioned discount applies to every Labioszka. For every Him and Her, at any time, we lowered the price FOR EACH selected one by PLN 20.

What is more, there will soon be new Labioszki. We don’t know which ones these will be, but our family will certainly get bigger. We are also extending our offer of Easter decorations, which will make your holiday home a lot more attractive with new colours and shapes. A little chicken and cockerel will fly over to visit. We have built a lovely bird house, which will soon be available at www.labioszka.eu




IN A NUTSHELL presenting the rules of discount.

-The discount applies on the territory of the whole POLAND, valid until revoked.

-Choosing 1 or 2 Labioszki, you pay PLN 20 less for each of them + for shipment costs of the selected shipping method

   We mark the discount in the following way:"Labioszka w każdym domu – 1 lub 2 Labioszki” (Labioszka in every home – 1 or 2 Labioszki).

-Choosing 3 or more items, you also get a PLN 20 discount per each of them, but the shipment by InPost or DPD is free

     We mark the discount in the following way: “Labioszka wkażdy mdomu – 3 lubwięcejLabioszek” (Labioszka in every home – 3 or more Labioszki).



1-Add your favourite Labioszka to the basket


2- Choose a proper discount, depending on the number of selected Labioszki.

….which means, when adding 1 or 2 Labioszki to the basket, we check “Labioszka w każdym domu – 1lub 2 Labioszki” (Labioszka in every home - 1 or 2 Labioszki) , as this one will apply to the selected number of added Labioszki.

After you choose the correct option, you will see the words LUBIĘ LABIOSZKĘ….. ,Then press TAK (yes).

It works similarly with 3 and more Labioszki selected.



If you make a mistake and mark the discount below marked with “Labioszka, w każdymdomu– 3 lubwięcejLabioszek” (Labioszka in every home – 3 or more Labioszki) it won’t work and the discount, UNFORTUNATELY, won’t apply. In such a case, just mark the right option and press TAK (yes)

3- If everything works as planned, the discount will apply and the price will be lower according to the rule that each one in the basket costs PLN 20 less.

If you make a mistake or increase or decrease the number of Labioszki, which also changes the discount rules, you can easily delete the applied discount by pressing the bin symbol – THE ONE IN THE CIRCLE.



4- The only thing left to do is to choose the shipping address and the shipping method applicable to the discount.

In case of doubts, we recommend having a look at our discount in a nutshell presented above.




September 2014r
Your home is there, where Your Labioszka is


Everyone would like to live in a safe and peaceful environment. However, sometimes we are in a completely different place, surrounded by chaos and anxiety. We have to create everything from scratch, find what has been lost, a thing which cannot be named. It is only our decision what environment and interior we will create. Your Labioszki will help you and will find their place in your home.

Genezado painta



Lipiec 2014r
"Wszyscy razem"





Czerwiec 2014r
Dobry efekt od samego początku







Projekt F.M. Sztaba, realizacja: Wojoweb